Monday, September 25, 2017

Time x Space: Ships

After the Earth became too hostile for human life, the entire race took shelter in massive ships. The ships had no windows as to protect passengers from harsh winds and weather. Inside the ship it was so secure that you could not feel any external forces. These enclosed worlds were headed by trained officials who could operate the vessel. In addition to operating the massive ships, these officials were given strict protocols on how to control the progression of time within these isolated environments. The protocols aimed for time to progress at a steady pace as it was very important for keeping things in order. Passengers were prohibited from isolating themselves and routines were put in place to keep time progressing and to keep everyone on the same timeline. Upkeep of clocks and other pace keeping devices were treated surgically as to leave no room for error.

Within these massive ships, most things were run by the government through their trained officials and protocols. Over time however, people figured out ways to work around the rules and manipulate their pace. Some would cover their eyes while guards weren’t looking in order to simulate isolation and slow down time, while others would make special concoctions that would zoom the consumer through time at a faster pace. Keeping track of a repetitive motion, such as  a ticking clock, was an easy way to keep time at a steady pace, but could also alter the pace of time if not calibrated correctly or tampered with.Despite measures to keep time under control, humans have trouble sticking to the rules, especially in large groups. Some captains wanted to suspend time while others wanted to speed up time. Captain’s recklessness combined with passengers ingenuity would ultimately lead to various manipulations of time within the ships.

Time manipulations caused Ships to take on very distinct qualities. One ship may move at a snail's pace where one day feels like 2 normally paced years and another ship could go through what feels like 2 years in an hour.These variations caused various deformities in their respective populations. The distortion of time within the ships made them extremely sensitive to any external force. Any indication of the natural day night cycle, could send and entire ship into dismay.

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