Thursday, November 9, 2017


On the planet of Tirem during the modern era, primal instincts are housed within a cage built out of block housing, public transportation, and modern amenities that make up the civilized world. On this planet, all things amount to tests of ones merit and skill. Crime is no different. Across the urban sprawl that exists throughout Tirem’s landmasses, gangs and crime are very prolific and professional criminals take their occupation very seriously.  In this world, if you’re a big enough mobster or hacker, you might just have the law enforcement on your payroll. With revenue sources like memory synthesizing/distribution and data extortion among many others, a large-scale criminal operation can be a very lucrative business. For there to be large scale crime, there must be small scale crime as well. Thugs of all types patrol their block housing taking protection fees from their neighbors and picking fights with rival patrols. Low level gangs like this rarely have access to the more high tech opportunities that large scale crime does so they mostly target low income people.

With the wide spread adoption of the Internet and virtual simulations, There aren’t many people outside to torment at any given time. For this reason, most low level criminal activity happens at the few physical social hubs left in the futuristic cities. Places like shipping ports, bars, and public transportation are all subject to criminal activity, but police keep a keen eye on these areas if the residents are wealthy enough. On a train car in Lower Kathimundar, you will most likely see thugs extorting citizens, fighting, and partaking in other illegal activities. A bullet train in East Holland however, would have much less criminal activity, more security, and much more upper class citizens.

Law on Tirem may be corrupt when it comes to dealing with high level crime, but low level crime is another story. Jails are built to 20 stories high and act as arenas of metal and concrete. Prisoners are rarely kept from harming one another and are instead encouraged to fight and kill one another. These jails are filled with the various low level gangs of the surrounding areas and are constantly taking in new inmates to replace dead or released inmates. Over time, prison life has become a necessary part of the criminal occupation. One may be called upon by a higher up member of their gang to intentionally get thrown into jail for the sole reason of filling out the ranks of said gangs prison presence. These jails are brutal, yet inmates will sometimes spend as many years as they can in jail due to the simplistic nature of life. This is due to the fact that food is provided in these jails in return for manual labors. This simplistic living structure combined with the opportunity to climb a social hierarchy within the prison, is what keeps some prisoners in jail for a very long time.

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